7 days to die: all console commands

7 days to dieSet in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with zombies, it challenges players to survive and grow by gathering resources and protecting themselves from the dangers of the world.

These threats can often escalate and become increasingly difficult to overcome. However, these issues can be easily resolved by using console-specific cheats and commands, as well as additional changes to the multiplayer and single-player servers.


7 Days to Die: Underground Locations in Navezgane

There are many underground locations in 7 Days to Die, and this is where they can be found in Navezgane.

How to use console commands

console commands 7 days to die

To enter the 7 days to die console window, press the F1 key on a US or EU keyboard. Other keyboard layouts assign multiple keys for this task: “, @, Ö, Ø, F2 and Ñ.

Once the command window is open, enter any console command and click Enter to execute them. He “aid” command describes all console commands accessible in the game. For a detailed description of a given command, use “aid “.

All console commands

debugging menu 7 days to die

There are several commands available to use in 7 days to die. While these commands are intended for developers, you can use them to make specific modifications to server settings or even implement cheats that simplify the game.

Use the “debug menu” or “dm” command for enable cheats like God Mode or Invisibility. These cheats can be activated by pressing Esc and selecting the tricks you want to use.




Explain the function of the command.


Delete all text in the command console.


Close the game.

creative menu

Turn the creative menu on or off

cp add/delete/list <0-1000>

Add, remove, or list a command with a specific permission value.

debug menu

Enable the debug menu.

export current settings

Export server configurations.


Shows current game preferences.


Shows the statistics of the current game.

get time

Shows the current time.

you listen

Shows all entities in the game.

land claim list

Shows all active land claim blocks with the owner’s name.

player list

Shows all player IDs.

roster players

Shows all active players on the server.

thread list

Show all threads.

shown in time

Shows the time of the next horde attack.

save world

Save server progress.


Send the text to the players connected to the server.

gfx <0/1>

Turns anisotropic filtering on and off (0) (1).

damage reset

The damage of all active blocks is reset.

administrator add <0-1000>

Add the player to the administrator list.

administrator delete

Remove the player from the administrator list.

prohibit adding [reason]

Add a player to the ban list for a specific period. For example: ban MrCantShoot for 2 months

ban list

View the ban list.

prohibit delete

Remove the specified player from the ban list.

white list

Shows the white list.

Add to whitelist

Add the player to the whitelist.

remove from whitelist

Remove the player from the whitelist.


Kick the player off the server.

kick everything

Kick all players from the server.


Kill the player/zombie near you.

kill everyone

Kills all active entities on the server.


Displays the list of available benefits.


Applies the specified buff to the player.


Removes the specified buff from the player.


Applies the specified buff to the specified player.


It exhausts the players.


The player is hungry.


Makes the player thirsty.

give search

Gives the player a mission and displays the list of available missions.


Delete a mission and display the list of available missions.


Gives the player the specified item.


Increases XP by a specified amount.

spawn supply box

Spawn a supply box.


Generates a new airdrop.


Generate a horde.

generation explorers

Spawns zombie scouts.


Teleport to a specific coordinate.


Teleports specific players to the coordinate.


Shows the water settings.


Shows weather settings

weather survival

Turn weather survival on or off.

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