Civilization 6, the sixth main entry in Sid Meier’s famous and much-loved film Civilization game franchise, has received a lot of support from developers throughout its life. In addition to the usual leader and civilization packs, players have enjoyed a number of new mechanics, features and game modes over time. Civilization 6long useful life.
Some of these modes offer innovative content and unique ways to play. Civilization 6while others are a little less transformative but no less fun. Added in the Ethiopia Pack, the Secret Societies game mode features four Secret Societies that players can join, all of which offer unique bonuses to the player’s civilization throughout the game. Whether it’s the mysterious and arcane Society of the Hermetic Order or the diplomatic Owls of Minerva, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Let’s take a look at the mysterious and creepy Order of the Voidsingers.
How to enable secret societies
Secret Societies are unlocked by owning the Ethiopia Pack or the New Frontier DLC. However, Secret Societies will not appear in the game unless the specific Secret Societies game mode is selected when setting up a civilization 6 game.
How to join the Voidsingers
Each of the four secret societies in Civilization 6 It has a specific and unique way of being found. To find the Voidsingers, players must find a tribal village.. Fortunately, the tribal villagers are quite numerous at the beginning of the game, so as long as players start exploring right away, they should be able to encounter the Voidsingers fairly quickly.
As with all secret societies in Civilization VI, The invitation is only the first step. To join the Voidsingers in Civilization 6, the player must purchase his governor using a governor title. Once united, the Voidsingers are the player’s secret society throughout the game and cannot opt out.
Secret society governors are not assigned to a city like normal governors in Civilization VI. Instead, they provide bonuses at the civilian level depending on your level of advancement within your society.
Voidsingers Melody Range
Governor Voidsinger will start with the rank of Melody, which grants the player the ability to build the Obelisk of the ancient gods building.
The Obelisk of the Old Gods is a unique Secret Society building that replaces the Monument, a key cultural building early in the game. The bonuses of the Obelisk of the Old Gods are much better compared to the traditional Monument. The Culture and Loyalty bonuses are excellent, and the Faith bonus can be a big help in creating an early religion. The Obelisk of the Old Gods provides:
- +1 Loyalty
- +1 Culture
- +1 Additional Culture if the city has maximum Loyalty
- +4 Faith
- +1 space for Great Works
Voidsingers Choir Rank
Unlike regular governors, whose promotions simply cost governor titles and require nothing else, Secret Society governors can only be promoted once the player has reached a specific game Era. In order for the governor to advance to the rank of Chorus, the second of the Voidsinger ranks, the player must first reach the Medieval Era.. As soon as the Medieval Era is reached and the player has an additional Governor Title, the Voidsinger Governor can be promoted to the rank of Chorus through the Governor screen.
The Voidsingers Chorus rank grants all of the player’s cities Gold, Science, and Culture per turn equal to 20 percent of the city’s Faith generation. If the player has a decent Faith production, this will give a big boost to their civilization.
Voidsingers’ Chant Rank
Voidsinger’s third rank is Chant.. To promote the Voidsingers to Canticle, the player must reach the Industrial Age.. Reaching this rank will allow players to purchase the cultist unitwhich is exclusive to this secret society. Cultists reduce the loyalty of foreign cities and can also create Void Relics, a unique type of relic.. They are a great way to change enemy cities without war by reducing their loyalty or provoking rebellions in other players.
Voidsingers Symphonic Range
The Symphony is the last rank of Voidsingers in Civilization 6and can only be unlocked during the Atomic Age. The reward for progressing so far within the Secret Society is the exclusive Dark Summon Projectwhich provides large amounts of Faith to the player’s civilization.
30 percent of the city’s production is converted to faith each turn.
Provides +2 loyalty damage to cultists (maximum +30, cumulative)
The dark summon The project is a great way to gain faith in the endgame. Depending on specific equipment, players could perform the Dark Summon ritual frequently, while still being able to construct units and buildings thanks to Faith-based purchases.
How to use void singers
Each of the Secret Societies is closely attuned to a particular play style. The Hermetic Order rewards great people and science-based play, while the Owls of Minerva are a strong diplomatic society. Voidsingers are extremely useful for players following a Faith-based strategy, although they are also useful for players seeking a Cultural victory thanks to the potential to generate Great Works and Great People.
In terms of specific civilizations, Voidsingers pair well with Kongo, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Jadwiga thanks to their ability to use Relics created from the loss of a Cultist. But any civilization with religious or cultural bonuses can be a good choice with Voidsingers because their playstyle directly benefits those who generate a lot of faith.
By building the Grand Masters Chapel in a Holy Place, players can use Faith to purchase military units. In the hands of a strong faith-generating empire, this is a massive tool that can quickly overwhelm other players.