Commitlint vs commitizen: Ultimate Overview

In the world of version control, Git is king. It allows developers to track changes, collaborate seamlessly, and keep their projects organized. However, without proper conventions, Git commit messages can become a mess, leading to confusion and inefficiencies. Enter Commitlint and Commitizen—two powerful tools designed to enhance your Git workflow by enforcing commit message conventions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between Commitlint and Commitizen, their benefits, and how they can work together to streamline your development process.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how these tools can help you maintain a clean, organized, and efficient version control system. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, this guide will provide valuable insights to improve your Git workflow.

Understanding Commitlint

What is Commitlint?

Commitlint is a tool that ensures your commit messages adhere to a specified format. It checks commit messages against a predefined set of rules and throws an error if the message doesn’t comply. This ensures consistency and readability across your project.

Benefits of Using Commitlint

Commitlint helps maintain a consistent commit history, making it easier to understand the project’s evolution. Consistent messages also facilitate automated release processes and changelog generation. With Commitlint, you can enforce any convention you prefer, such as the popular Conventional Commits standard.

How to Install Commitlint

To get started with Commitlint, you’ll need Node.js and npm (or Yarn) installed. You can then install Commitlint via npm:


npm install –save-dev @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}


After installation, create a `commitlint.config.js` file in the root of your project and configure your rules:


module.exports = {extends: [‘@commitlint/config-conventional’]};


This basic setup ensures your commit messages adhere to the Conventional Commits standard.

Understanding Commitizen

What is Commitizen?

Commitizen is a tool that simplifies the commit process by guiding developers through the creation of commit messages. It provides an interactive CLI, ensuring that commit messages follow a specific format. This reduces the likelihood of errors and improves consistency.

Benefits of Using Commitizen

Commitizen streamlines the commit process, making it easier for developers to create properly formatted commit messages. It also reduces the learning curve for new team members, as they don’t need to memorize commit conventions. Commitizen ensures that all commits adhere to the project’s standards, promoting better collaboration and readability.

How to Install Commitizen

To install Commitizen, you’ll also need Node.js and npm (or Yarn). You can install Commitizen globally or locally in your project:


npm install -g commitizen


Next, initialize Commitizen in your project by running:


commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog –save-dev –save-exact


This command sets up Commitizen with the conventional-changelog adapter, ensuring your commit messages follow the Conventional Commits standard.

Commitlint vs Commitizen

Key Differences

While both Commitlint and Commitizen aim to improve commit message quality, they serve different purposes. Commitlint enforces commit message conventions by checking messages after they’ve been written, whereas Commitizen guides developers through the commit process, ensuring messages are correctly formatted from the start.

Use Cases

Commitlint is ideal for projects with experienced developers who are familiar with commit conventions. It acts as a safeguard, catching any mistakes before they reach the repository. Commitizen, on the other hand, is perfect for teams with varying levels of experience, as it provides a guided process for creating commit messages.

Combining Commitlint and Commitizen

For the best results, consider using both tools together. Commitizen can help developers create well-formatted commit messages, while Commitlint ensures that any messages created outside of Commitizen still adhere to the project’s standards. This combination offers a robust solution for maintaining commit message quality.

Setting Up Commitlint and Commitizen

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install Commitlint and Commitizen:

Follow the installation steps outlined earlier to set up both tools in your project.

  1. Configure Commitlint:

Create a `commitlint.config.js` file and extend the conventional config:


module.exports = {extends: [‘@commitlint/config-conventional’]};


  1. Integrate Commitizen:

Initialize Commitizen with the conventional-changelog adapter:


commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog –save-dev –save-exact


  1. Add Commitlint to Your Git Hooks:

Use Husky to add Commitlint to your pre-commit hook:


npx husky add .husky/commit-msg ‘npx –no-install commitlint –edit “$1″‘


  1. Commit Using Commitizen:

Use the `git cz` command instead of `git commit` to create well-formatted commit messages guided by Commitizen.

Best Practices for Commit Messages

Following Conventional Commits

The Conventional Commits standard is a widely-adopted convention that makes commit messages more readable and understandable. It uses a structured format, including a type, a short description, and optional scope and body:


<type>(<scope>): <subject>






Examples of Good Commit Messages


feat(auth): add user authentication


Provides a clear indication of the new feature added to the authentication system.


fix(button): resolve alignment issue on mobile

Clearly describes the bug fixed, making it easier to track changes and understand the impact.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Avoid messages like “fixed stuff” or “updated code.” These provide no context and make tracking changes difficult.

Keep commit messages concise. If more detail is needed, use the commit body to provide additional context.

Real-World Examples

Successful Implementation in Open-Source Projects

Many successful open-source projects use Commitlint and Commitizen to maintain high-quality commit messages. For example, the Angular project uses Commitlint to enforce Conventional Commits, ensuring that all commit messages are clear and consistent.

Case Study: Improving Team Workflow

A software development team implemented Commitlint and Commitizen to address inconsistent commit messages. Within weeks, the team noticed improved collaboration and a more organized commit history. New team members found it easier to onboard, and the overall quality of their codebase improved.


Incorporating Commitlint vs commitizen into your Git workflow can significantly enhance the quality and consistency of your commit messages. By leveraging these tools, you’ll not only improve collaboration within your team but also streamline your development process and maintain a clean and organized version control system.

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