Since the return of Fortnite’s OG season and Blizzard’s WOW Classic, it’s been a hot topic to discuss which other multiplayer games should get this “classic” treatment. Overwatch is one of the hottest names thrown into the ring, and fans should be excited that the original Overwatch, 6v6 open queue and all, returns in Supervision: Classic.
As a limited-time event running from November 12 to December 2, Overwatch Classic returns to version 1.0’s original quick-play mode. There are no hero limits, just the original 21 heroes (yes, not Ana) and 12 maps and of course all hero skills now patched.
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Although this may seem like a limited time random event, the focus is on providing information to developersinforming their decisions regarding future updates and patches, similar to what Blizzard does with all recent limited-time game modes.
But if you feel nostalgic for the good old days of supervisionIt looks like this event has you covered, bringing you back to the days when Arrow was scattered, Mercy’s ults were busted, and Torb was handing out armor to his teammates (we all forgot about that, huh).
As someone who played hundreds of hours of supervision In the original 2016-2017 era, a lot of this sounds very familiar to me. Still, for those who aren’t, many things will likely be completely unrecognizable compared to the current Overwatch 2.
First of allassault game mode will return after being removed in OW2. Often referred to as control points, it requires attackers to first capture one control point and then achieve victory by capturing the second, while defenders attempt to defend each one along the way.
While we welcome the return of the infamous Hanamura maps, the Temple of Anubis, and Volskaya Industries, This game mode contrasts quite a bit with the modern one. overwatch 2 maps; Instead of a game of tug-of-war, the defense never has much room to make up any real ground.
The remaining control, escort and hybrid game modes can be played in supervision 2. For this reason they will not return in their original state. supervision 1.0, but they should be similar to the latest supervision 2 version. Many iconic matches are still expected in Ilios, Watchpoint: Gibraltar and King’s Row, among the other six.
It’s also worth noting that the entire mode seeks to return to this classic era aesthetic, so Only original Overwatch 1 skins can be used.
Returning Rules and Hero Skills
The real magic of this update comes from the hero skill reversals, 6v6, and open queue. While many of them have changed for the better, they are an essential reminder of how far we’ve come from the original release (or how far we’ve strayed).
These last seasons have been intense 6v6 discussions and open queue. People criticized Blizzard the moment they changed. supervision 2 to 5v5, along with strong role limits. However, recent patches have allowed new game modes to test the limits that Blizzard had imposed on itself.
Going back to the original 6v6 way should help Blizzard see how “broken” supervision was. You should expect players to play with Overwatch 1’s broken meta, like Goats, and also expect some silly team compositions like an entire team of Winstons frantically protecting themselves from bubbles.
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People are also excited about the return of hero skills with this new update. Heroes like Symmetra, Torbjorn, and Sombra have had massive changes to their kits, so if you’re a fan of those original heroes, this should be a fun way to relive those experiences.
I really want to see the Cassidy and Hanzo kits, my main ones from the original, who have suffered small but notable reworks since this original patch. Completely stunning someone with flash will be cathartic, and the beloved scatter arrow will finally return in full force.
While hopes are high, remember that the original Bastion kit and Mercy ult will also return. And then, As much as we are excited to revive the original Overwatch, hopefully, you are also excited to revive the rage and inclination that has since been forgotten.
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