Elden Ring Omen Form Transformation Guide & Lamenter’s Mask Location in Shadow of the Erdtree

In Shadow of the Erdtree secrets lie around almost every corner, but you might have to travel quite a long way to unlock some of the DLC’s wackiest new secret items. One such out-of-the-way, but completely game-changing, hidden item is the

Lamenter’s Mask

, which grants a never-before-seen full body transformation – a transformation into an Omen.



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Though the highly anticipated (and FromSoftware staple) Half-Dragon form was finally added with this Elden Ring DLC, nobody saw this new Omen transformation coming. Though we don’t know everything about what the Lamenter Mask transformation unlocks, this guide explains how to get this Omen transformation item, and what we do know about the new Shadow of the Erdtree Lamenter form.

Updated July 30, 2024: Now that players have known how to get this transformation for a while, and have been able to test its buffs, more information on the Omen Form Elden Ring players can unlock has been revealed. Though the method to unlock Omen Form in Elden Ring has not changed since the launch of the Elden Ring DLC, Omen Form new stats and effects have been discovered. This guide has been updated to include a full listing of every stat affected by the Elden Ring Omen transformation, including more details on how it affects status resistances and what drawbacks there are while in Omen Form. Elden Ring DLC players may want to consider starting a Light Equip Load build (with the Blue Dancer Talisman) to turn this strange Omen transformation into a proper powerhouse, uninhibited by Armor.

Elden Ring Omen Transformation: Lamenter Form Effects

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Lamenter Mask Transformation Omen Form Effects Armor Boost

A stone mask twisted into an expression of rapturous grief.

Use while disrobed to transform into a Lamenter.

The transformation tallies with the state of a denizen of paradise, but the people of the tower denied and hid it from the world.

In their foolishness, they viewed true bliss with deep fear.

The Lamenter form Shadow of the Erdtree players can get completely transforms your character’s appearance into that of one of these Omen-like Lamenter creatures. Your face and body customizations have no bearing on this new Omen form – in fact, your entire character model essentially becomes that of a Lamenter omen instead of a Tarnished.

The Lamenter Omen form is covered in horns, sores, and other growths, and has a straggly red beard beneath eyes that gouged out by its own horns. It’s a grotesque thing to look at, and even more bizarre to play as one.

Elden Ring Omen Form Stat Changes

After you undergo Omen transformation and gain the Lamenter form, Elden Ring players will undergo several changes to their base stats.

  • Though you cannot wear armor in Lamenter form, Elden Ring Omen Form characters gain a flat 8.0 base defense (without Talismans or Scadutree Blessings active) across all Physical and Magical defenses to make up for this restriction.

    • The Scadutree Blessing system and Talismans can go a long way in ensuring you still have half-decent defenses with no armor equipped. Because you can’t wear armor but still get a small defense boost, it’s easier to remain in Light equip load while in Omen Form.
  • While in Omen Form transformation, Elden Ring players receive several changes to other stats, too

    • Arcane: Boosted by +8
    • Holy Damage Negation: Increased by +20%
    • Status Effect Resistance (All): Boosted by +30 for all Status Effect Resistance stats
    • Focus: Reduced by a flat -50
    • Healing Flask Effectiveness: Reduced by -9%

Omen Form Unique Attack

The secondary bonus of the Lamenter Omen transformation form is the Lamenter Mask’s unique active ability. Once already transformed into an Omen, Shadow of the Erdtree players can activate the Lamenter Mask consumable again to attack by enlarging their head.

This is a move the Lamenter boss uses in its fight. When activated, your character will rear back and quickly lurch forward, enlargening their head to comical degree and damaging everything in the nearby area. The Lamenter Form attack deals a lot of damage and blasts any nearby enemies backward, knocking over small enemies, and interrupting larger ones.

Keep this ability assigned to either your Quick Select menu or the Pouch to easily weave in this unique Omen Form attack to your normal combat flow.



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It does not cost any FP to undergo Omen transformation, and it does not cost any FP to use the Lamenter Mask’s unique post-transformation ability. Consider equipping the Lamenter Mask to your Quick Slot pouch for easy access, as the Lamenter Omen transformation won’t last forever.

It is likely that the Lamenter Mask, and the Omen form transformation, have other hidden effects – it may be used to progress a questline, gain access to a secret area, or have some other use besides just being a body transformation item.

This guide will be updated as we discover what to do with the Lamenter Mask transformation, and what secrets can only be uncovered while this Shadow of the Erdtree transformation is active.

How To Get The Lamenter’s Mask Transformation Item

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Lamenter Mask Transformation Omen Form How To

To Get The Lamenter’s Mask, First Find The Dragon Pit

To get the

Lamenter’s Mask

, you must find the Lamenter’s Gaol location in Northwest Charo’s Hidden Grave. Charo’s Hidden Grave, as the name implies, is a relatively secret area in Shadow of the Erdtree. To get here, head to the Suppression Pillar found in the central-west Gravesite Plain, specifically to the Pillar Path Waypoint where you will meet the NPC



Ride past Igon heading south until you are invaded by an Ancient Dragon-Man. Defeat the invader, then continue south then southeast on this path to discover the Dragon’s Pit side dungeon. Make your way through this dungeon to eventually find the titular Dragon Pit itself.

Trust the messages on the ground – you must jump into this pit to enter the boss room, which leads to a secret area.



Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree – How To Beat Blackgaol Knight Boss Guide

The Blackgaol Knight is one of the first Elden Ring DLC bosses most players will come across, but it is punishing if you try to fight it unprepared.

Defeat the Ancient Dragon-Man again, then continue through the boss room to enter the Foot Of The Jagged Peak zone. Continue through this area until you reach the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion – at the base of a gigantic, dead Ancient Dragon.

Find Charo’s Hidden Grave To Find The Lamenter’s Gaol

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Lamenter Mask Location Charo's Hidden Grave Transformation Omen Form Transform

To get to Charo’s Hidden Grave, where the Lamenter’s Mask location is, ride over the dragon’s body as you head toward its foot. You will see a field of red flowers in a plain below – continue to ride until you see the flowers lead down a path leading northwest. Enter this path to reach Charo’s Hidden Grave.

The Lamenter’s Gaol is located in the deep northwest of this secret zone, so mount up on Torrent and take care to avoid the myriad difficult enemies in this challenging area. You will know you are close when you see a bunch of wrecked cages of various sizes dotting the landscape, which conveniently form a kind of path that leads right to the Lamenter’s Gaol entrance.

Beat The Lamenter To Get The Lamenter Mask

The Lamenter’s Gaol is a difficult dungeon to get through, and requires a lot of backtracking and exploration to get through. But at the very end of the Lamenter’s Gaol, you will face off against the Lamenter itself, which can be challenging if unprepared.



Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree – How To Beat Furnace Golem (Boss Guide & Tips)

Burning constructs that roam the Realm of Shadow, Furnace Golems are one of Shadow of the Erdtree’s most iconic – and challenging – bosses.

The Lamenter boss fight is not too bad in a one-on-one, but it will periodically disappear and re-appear with multiple mirror versions of itself spread throughout the boss room. These mirror versions will charge at you, throw projectiles, attempt to make jumping attacks, and use the Lamenter Mask head-enlargening attack if you get too close.

The easiest way to deal with this boss is to bring in a weapon that is effective against a single enemy, and a way to generate AoE damage. The Lamenter mirrors will die instantly upon being hit by anything, so if you can blanket an area in even a small amount of damage, you can easily root out the real Lamenter and wail on it.

Once defeated, the Lamenter boss drops the Lamenter Mask and a bunch of Runes. Head back to the Site of Grace at the entrance – or explore the Lamenter’s Gaol more thoroughly to get the

Prattling Pate “Lamentation”

, which will emit an eerie, mournful weep when used, in a similar way as the

Prattling Pate “You’re Beautiful”


Prattling Pate “Let’s Get to It”


How To Transform Into A Lamenter Omen in Elden Ring

Use The Lamenter’s Mask To Transform – After Unequipping Your Armor

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Lamenter Mask Transformation Omen Form Initiate Transform Item Description

Once acquired, the Lamenter’s Mask can be used and slotted into your Quick Select pouch just like any other reusable consumable, like the

Omen Bairn

or the

Blasphemous Claw

. It does have one important restriction, though – to transform into a Lamenter, Shadow of the Erdtree players cannot have any armor equipped.

It’s OK to have weapons, arrows, Talismans, and quick select items equipped. As long as the four Armor slots that make up your Head, Body, Legs, and Hand armor are empty, go into your inventory, select the Lamenter’s Mask, and select “use”.



Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree – Outer God’s Heirloom Talisman Location & Effects

To get the Arcane-boosting Outer God’s Heirloom Talisman, Shadow of the Erdtree players must find a devastated town high above the Gravesite Plain.

Your character will raise the mask to their own face slowly, and upon placing it upon their flesh, it will appear to take over their whole body. The player character doubles over as a black mist wreathes their cowered form, and after a few seconds, they will transform from a barely-clothed Tarnished into a horn-ridden, sore-covered, disturbing Lamenter omen.

When in Omen Form, you of course cannot wear armor, and your equipment slots are in fact greyed out. It’s still perfectly possible to swap around Talismans, Weapons, and other equipped items, but you must remain “naked” and rely on the Elden Ring Omen transformation stats as your only base defense.

You cannot equip Armor after transforming – you’re stuck like this until you can figure out how to get back to normal, and unfortunately, there’s only one way out.

When Does Lamenter Omen Transformation End?

After turning into a Lamenter, you essentially retain your new Omen form until you die. There is nothing else that you can do to rid yourself of this form – you can’t use the item again to cancel the effect, and you can’t get rid of the Lamenter Mask transformation by resting at a Grace, defeating a Boss, being summoned into another player’s world, or via any other method than simply dying.

If you are desperate to change it back and return to normal to unequip the Lamenter transformation, consider using the

Memory of Grace

item, which will kill and respawn you at the nearest Site of Grace. You can also jump off a cliff, run into enemies, or do something else to die. No matter what, you must die to end the Lamenter Omen transformation.

Stay tuned for more information about the Lamenter Mask secrets and hidden features of the Omen transformation in Shadow of the Erdtree as more is surely discovered about this mysterious body alteration.

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