- Titles in Destiny 2 are earned through completing time-consuming or difficult triumphs and appear beneath the player’s name.
- Not all titles are created equal, with some, like raid, PVP, and dungeon titles being harder to earn than others.
- The ranking of titles is based on the level of difficulty or time commitment required to obtain them.
Titles are unique words in Destiny 2 that appear under a player’s name. These titles are earned after completing a series of triumphs that are either time-consuming or incredibly difficult for the average player.
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Every title is prestigious in its own right, but not every title is created equal. Some titles are much harder to earn than others, whether that’s due to time-gated triumphs or the activity itself being hard to excel in. Here are all of Destiny 2’s titles ranked based on how hard they are to earn.
Updated on August 5, 2024, by Anastasia Maillot: The Final Shape has been out for some time now, as has the first Episode, Echoes. With all this new content, three new seals have been added into the mix: Intrepid, Iconoclast, and Transcendent. The general theme in Destiny 2 has been to bring back challenge into the game, and two of these new seals align with that philosophy perfectly, with Iconoclast being one of the toughest seals to complete thanks to the innate complexity of Salvation’s Edge. With The Final Shape, older seasonal Triumph seals have also been retired, instead making way for Episode triumph seals. Here’s how these three new seals have rattled the ranking of all the existing ones.
Star Baker
Bake Cookies And Kill Enemies With Snowballs
Starting off at the bottom of the list is Star Baker, which ranks similarly to the other seasonal event titles. These titles don’t require players to engage in difficult content and are more grindy than challenging to get. Even solo players should be able to accomplish these and guild these titles.
Star Baker is the Dawning event title which includes little tasks like defeating combatants with snowballs in various activities, using Stasis weapons, baking cookies, and completing playlist activities.
Ghost Writer
Complete Short Haunted Lost Sectors And Kill Headless Ones
The Halloween event in Destiny 2 is Festival of the Lost, featuring the Ghost Writer title. Similarly to the Star Baker, it includes various little grindy tasks, purchasing upgrades from Eva, and collecting candy during the event.
On top of this, players need to engage with the event’s special activity, Haunted Lost Sectors, and defeat Headless Ones. Overall, this should be easy even for solo players.
Most Time-Consuming Title To Complete Out Of The Seasonal Holiday Events
The Solstice title for the summer event is Flamekeeper and comes packaged similarly to the last two entries, with an event card, special tasks to do, and engaging with the event’s activity, Bonfire Bash.
The main difference with Flamekeeper is that it comes with a bit more substance to it, which can make it tedious. With three pages worth of triumphs to complete, players will be at it for some time during the event.
Requires Partaking In Supremacy, A Chaotic PVP Mode
Guardian Games were the last event to receive its own Triumph seal, and it certainly isn’t an easy one. In fact, one could argue that due to the requirement to participate in Supremacy, the event’s trademark PVP game mode that pits classes against one another, it’s the toughest event-centric Triumph seal to acquire.
On top of the Supremacy triumphs, there are other event-related activities, such as the Vanguard strike and Nightfall completion that are required to gild the title. The Nightfall one will be tough for any players who typically enjoy the game solo, even with the new in-game LFG option.
A Seal Accessible For Everyone, For Onslaught
Into the Light is the free update that was released in April 2024 for Destiny 2, to help bridge the delay gap between the final season of Lightfall and The Final Shape. It introduces Onslaught, a new horde mode PVE activity, as well as a whole host of revamped, returning favorite weapons for players in the form of the BRAVE arsenal.
Its seal is titled Brave, as expected, and is probably one of the most accessible seals in the entire game. It doesn’t require the completion of a Legend version of Onslaught, which is difficult, especially for solo players, so most of the triumphs can be completed in normal, matchmade mode. The hardest one for more casual players is the completion of The Whisper Exotic mission, which has returned to the game and is still in a timer. Those hopping in for the first time might struggle with The Whisper’s challenging platforming and non-linear pathing, coupled with the time restraint.
Virtual Fighter
Despite A Tough Patrol Space And Missions, Few Triumphs To Complete
The new Lightfall expansion seal, Virtual Fighter, deals with all things concerning Neomuna. Although Neomuna’s patrol space has been deemed quite hard to survive in, the triumph page only has nine triumphs for players to complete, out of which completing a campaign mission on Master difficulty is the hardest one.
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The remaining triumphs are quite grindy, from leveling up Nimbus’ vendor rank to finding all the action figures hidden around the patrol space.
A Substantial Time Commitment
Although not necessarily hard, Reveler does earn its spot above the previous triumphs mainly due to the time-related engagement it demands from players. To complete this title, only four triumphs need to be done, each requiring players to complete 16 event cards during each of the seasonal events: Solstice, Festival of the Lost, Dawning, and Guardian Games.
It will without a doubt take a year for players to complete this title, and of course, players need to be available to play the events and grind out the event cards, which can feel a bit demanding.
Requires Completion Of Two Non-Matchmade Activities
The 30th Anniversary DLC of Destiny 2 introduced the Vidmaster title, which features various triumphs and challenges related to the Dares of Eternity activity. There are a few somewhat challenging triumphs here, including finding and killing Xur’s Chosen during a run of Dares of Eternity, completing the activity on Legend difficulty (which is not matchmade), as well as completing the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.
For solo players, this might be a slightly more annoying one to complete as it relies on having people to do the Legend activity with, as well as the dungeon.
A Particularly Grindy Expansion Triumph Seal
The Beyond Light expansion seal is among the longest expansion seals in the game, though it doesn’t feature particularly difficult content. Most of the tasks are quite repetitive and grindy, requiring players to find and gather collectibles, as well as unlock quests from Variks.
These are relatively achievable by solo players, but they are time-consuming, given how big Europa is and how much there is to do.
Requires Killing Champions
The Witch Queen expansion seal ranks nearly among the highest in terms of expansions, simply because of two things: it requires players to kill champions in the Throne World, which implies players need to engage in endgame PVE content, and it also requires the completion of a Legendary campaign mission.
Another factor is crafting all the Wellspring weapons, which can be an arduous grind for players with limited time, given the abysmal drop rates of Deepsight Resonance weapons from the Wellspring activity. A time-consuming and somewhat challenging seal, in all regards.
The First Triumph Seal For Destiny 2’s Episodic Format
The first Episode of Destiny 2, Echoes, isn’t over just yet, but so far, it hasn’t strayed that far from the typical seasonal format players are more than familiar with. And as such, its Triumphs are also nothing special to look at.
That being said, as of updating this ranking, players have only reached Act 2 of the Episode, and rumors have it that an Exotic mission is still set to release in the final Act of the Episode. It’s possible that, based on previous experience, players will have to complete that mission on Legend difficulty to earn this seal.
The Triumph Seal Belonging To Destiny 2’s Least Beloved Ritual Activity
Out of the playlist seals, Dredgens appears to be the most accessible, though it is by no means easy to get. This Gambit-related seal requires players to, for example, run a full loadout of Gambit weapons and ensure one player banks 75 motes in a single match without dying.
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This title can also be gilded, and those who do deserve a special tip of the hat, especially given the way Gambit has been on life support and unchanged for a while now.
Requires Soloing Spire Of The Watcher, The Shortest Dungeon In The Game
In season 19, Spire of the Watcher came out as a new Vex-themed dungeon. The dungeon is among the shortest ones in the game, and also one of the easiest to solo complete after Shattered Throne.
This seal requires players to complete various triumphs in the dungeon, complete its collection, and complete it on Master difficulty. However, the toughest one is to complete the dungeon solo, especially the final boss which can get tricky with Supplicants chasing after the player.
In The Current State Of PVP, One Of The More Annoying Seals To Earn
These next two Crucible titles are pretty much equally challenging to earn but for very different reasons. Glorious is the new, go-to Crucible title for players who engage in the Competitive playlist and rank up. The hardest job is to rank up to Platinum.
All the other triumphs basically just require players to complete matches, use certain weapons or subclasses, and don’t necessarily require wins, even if in some cases wins grant more progress.
Iron Lord
A PVP Seal That Requires Playing At Certain Times
Iron Lord’s difficulty comes from it being a time-gated seal. Iron Banner only appears a few times during a season, so players really need to get their grind on during those weeks to achieve all the triumphs needed for this seal. It certainly doesn’t help that each Iron Banner is also different, depending on which mode is in rotation. Some modes favor team play, and others reward solo play.
The most annoying part is unlocking all the Iron Banner gear for all classes, forcing players to get on other characters and out of their comfort zone. Resetting Lord Saladin’s rank twice is also a massive grind, which was allegedly reduced by Bungie after a slog in season 19 when players struggled to earn enough progress.
The Only Dungeon Seal That Demands A Flawless Completion
The final location triumph seal is Harbinger, which came with the Shadowkeep expansion. Why is it so much higher than the others? Harbinger is significantly tougher than other similar seals due to it requiring not only a solo completion of the Pit of Heresy dungeon but also a flawless completion of it, too.
Another tough one is to complete a Master Nightmare Hunt flawlessly, which just goes to show that Harbinger is a seal focused on pushing the player to perform beyond their limits in PVE content.
The Most Tedious Seal Revolving Around Repetitive Use Of Even The Worst Weapon Archetypes
Deadeye is the ultimate seal for players who are passionate about Destiny 2’s gunplay, and it takes the challenge to the next level. Players will need to calibrate various weapon archetypes both in and outside of PVP.
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This forces players to use some of their most disliked weapons in competitive game modes, which can get infuriating over time. There’s also that Gambit triumph hidden in here, which requires players to win a Gambit match with a full Gambit weapon loadout.
A Short Dungeon, But With A Tanky Final Boss And Good Enemy Density
Warlord’s Ruin’s Triumph seal ranks towards the bottom of the dungeon seals despite being the newest one as of Season of the Wish. The triumphs are nothing special, and as always is the case with most dungeon seals, the toughest one is to complete the whole run solo.
The first two encounters are doable, but the final one has a ton of enemies and the boss itself is quite tanky. It’s also a huge step away from the comparably simple mechanics of Spire of the Watcher, as players have to position themselves often in harm’s way to begin the DPS phase.
A Seal With One Of The Toughest Collectible Hunts And A Raid Completion Requirement
Cursebreaker is a weird one. This is actually Forsaken’s expansion seal, given that it centers around triumphs related to the Dreaming City, and some of these triumphs come from a time when Destiny 2 may have been considered far more challenging than it is today. And it shows, too.
Players need to gather Corrupted Eggs and Ahamkara Bones, which are well hidden in the unlikeliest of places—including the Last Wish raid, which will force players to find a fireteam to raid with. That alone increases the difficulty of this seal tremendously.
The Final Shape’s Triumph Seal Upped The Challenge Significantly From Other Expansion Seals
Cursebreaker isn’t far behind due to the pesky Ahamkara eggs and bones, but Transcendent takes the cake for the hardest expansion seal. The collectible aspect of the seal requires a ton of work compared to previous expansions, and one of the most tedious activities is collecting all of the Prismatic fragments on a single character. Some of these are so well hidden, that a guide will be needed to discover them.
Another tough part of this seal is the completion of Dual Destiny and Grandmaster Excision. Both of these activities require players to engage with the LFG part of the game and rely on their friends. Dual Destiny in particular has been criticized for gatekeeping solo players, as it’s a required two-player activity where communication is key.