The best GobbleGums in Black Ops 3

Thanks to Dr. Monty, the teams Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 You have a better chance of surviving against the hordes of undead thanks to the GobbeGum system. With each loadout, players can select 5 GobbleGums in their pack, which they will then take to each map and attempt to roll the dice, either free or with points, to get the best GobbleGum on Black Ops 3 Zombies.


Call of Duty: 20 Most Difficult Zombie Maps

The Call of Duty franchise has many challenging zombie maps that will test players’ survival skills in a variety of locations.

There are a lot of GobbleGums in Black Ops 3 Zombiess, and each of them can offer unique and powerful rewards to players who consume them. However, some are DLC and others are difficult to obtain due to their status as ultra-rare Mega GobbleGums that require good luck and Liquid Divinium to use like Dr. Monty’s Factory.


grace of arms

Respawn with the weapons you died with

grace of arms

  • Reappear with the weapons you had when you bled out.

  • Activates immediately (lasts until next respawn)

Arms Grace is only great when players jump into a game with friends or strangers, as it will remove the pressure of falling and needing a revive. Instead of players saying “Please revive me, I have the Ray Gun.” Instead, they can say “Don’t worry, I have Arms Grace!” as this Gobblegum means they will appear at the start of a new round with their weapons intact.

However, Arms Grace has no buffs, so players will still need to gather those backups before the zombies come in for the new round. However, Arms Grace can easily save a zombie co-op game by allowing players to keep their weapons without fear of losing them and having to spin the Mystery Box over and over again.


Nearest danger

PhD Flopper, without the explosive slide

nearest danger

  • Zero explosive damage.

  • Activates immediately (lasts 3 full rounds)

Black Ops players may miss out on PhD Flopper, the fan-favorite Perk-a-Cola that didn’t get to see much time in the sun as Treyarch saw its potential overwhelmed. Fortunately, there is a way to get it back with Danger Closest Gobblegum, which will give players 100% resistance to explosives, meaning their own weapons and Panzer will pose less of a threat.

Danger Closest is great for small maps where players run around with explosive weapons like the Improved Starter Gun, L4-Siege, and Ray Gun, and also helps on larger maps that have the Panzer. The only problem with Danger Closest is that it lasts 3 rounds before players have to try their luck to grab it again.


In plain sight

Zombies will not attack for 10 seconds

in plain sight

  • The zombies ignore you for 10 seconds.

  • 2x activations, 10 seconds each

If players are in trouble or their ally needs to be revived, In Plain Sight means that a monkey bomb is not essential to ward off the undead. With In Plain Sight, all zombies on the map will ignore the player who has eaten this Gobblegum, and it lasts long enough to be useful thanks to its 10-second invulnerability window.

Both zombies and mini-bosses will ignore the player and wander around the map looking for other players or something else to chew on before returning to the target player. In Plain Sight can easily save players who are on the verge of death thanks to its quick activation and potential.

60 seconds to buy everything in sight

free shopping

  • All purchases are free.

  • Activates immediately (lasts 1 minute)

Shopping Free is an ultra-rare Mega Gobblegum that will allow players a solid minute of gameplay where they can purchase anything for free. This is perfect for getting everything together in the early rounds and setting up the game for an Easter Egg Race or just a high round, as players can easily purchase all the doors and obstacles on the map.

If players know the layout, they can take all the doors, all the perks, and all the weapons they want without spending a single point thanks to Shopping Free. The main relevance of this buff comes from the fact that it’s best used as Easter eggs to do things in the lower rounds, but it’s still fun.


Anywhere but here!

Teleport to a random location on the map

anywhere but here

  • Instantly teleports to a random location. A concussive explosion knocks down nearby zombies and keeps you safe.

  • Activated (2x activations)

There’s nothing scarier than a zombie train that breaks down from a misjudged move or simply a wrong turn, resulting in a mob of undead beating the player out of existence. Lucky for them, chewing on Anywhere But Here! Gobblegum will provide them with a much-needed escape, where they will be teleported randomly.

The location is completely random, but you must first unlock that part of the map. However, after the activation of Anywhere But Here! Players have a moment of safety in case they become a mob of zombies, as it will instantly take them all down.


Alchemical antithesis

Ammunition exchange points

alchemical antithesis

  • Instead, every 10 points earned grants 1 ammo in the current weapon’s reserve.

  • 2x activations, 60 seconds each

Max ammo boosts are essential for high rounds, especially for players who don’t use off-the-wall weapons. However, with Alchemical Antithesis, Max Ammo boosts become a thing of the past. With Alchemical Antithesis activated, players have 60 seconds to acquire as many points as they can. Whether using grenades, firing their weapons or building barriers.

Every 10 points a bullet is added to the magazine. While that doesn’t seem like much, it can easily stack up with a nearly infinite ammo source. Combine Alchemical Antithesis with Thunder Gun or Apothicon Servant and players will always have ammo ready to go.



Receive every Perk-a-Cola


  • It gives you all the advantages on the map.

  • Activates immediately

There’s no Gobblegum like Perkaholic. While it may be an ultra-rare Mega Gobblegum that players will have to be lucky enough to have, it is something that is best saved for high rounds due to its potential to carry them ahead. As players will know, they can only purchase 4 perks. However, Perkaholic will instantly give them all the buffs on the map, meaning they can have up to 8 buffs or more from a Gobblegum.

This is ideal for high-round strategies and Easter egg hunting, as in Round 1, players will have all the advantages, including the illustrious Juggernog. Perkaholic is extremely rare, but is one of the most sought after Gobblegums, and for good reason.

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