The Strongest Factions According to Lore, Ranked


  • In the grimdark future of Warhammer 40K, powerful factions like Adeptus Mechanicus and Adepta Sororitas vie for dominance.
  • Warhammer 40K’s ever-growing universe sees factions like Genestealer Cults and Imperial Knights battling for supremacy.
  • With endless war and shifting power dynamics, factions like Drukhari and Tyranids threaten the galaxy’s fragile balance.

In the grimdark future of the Warhammer 40K universe, there is only war. Entire worlds and sectors have been engulfed in flames or have become new battlegrounds. Progress and peace are relics of the past, and the line between good and evil is lost, leaving numerous groups to their devices in a galaxy-wide war seemingly without end. Such conditions have birthed many powerful factions with skills and abilities far beyond comprehension. However, which of these factions is the strongest?

Warhammer 40K fans participate in great debates on forums and discussion boards everywhere, disputing which factions are the most powerful, with disagreements abounding. Many factors and events go into deciding which side of this galaxy-wide war is the best, and the ever-growing universe of Warhammer 40K always seems to rock the power balance. This trend of shifting scales has caused some fans to separate the factions into two categories, those that appear to be growing or evolving and those that are shrinking or regressing —making allocating each faction’s power somewhat easier. Yet, one thing is sure: each side has the potential to overcome the other, and no faction shows signs of backing down.


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Updated 10th August 2024 By Andy Chapman: Warhammer 40k continues to grow and find new fans. The 10th edition of the popular tabletop wargame is in full swing. New army codexes, along with new models, are released every few months, and the Pariah Nexus Mission Deck has shaken up the rules of the game. With the imminent release of the video game, Space Marine 2, Warhammer 40k is set to grow even more. These massive releases bring new lore to the game, which only adds to the already vast and complex history of the setting. This article has been updated to include more factions featured in Warhammer 40k to give a better overview of the many armies players can collect.


Imperial Knights

Ancient War Machines Towering Over Battlefields

Warhammer Strongest Factions in the Lore Large robots battling each other

These ancient war machines tower above battlefields, destroying humanity’s enemies with devastating power and weaponry. While they are dedicated servants of the God-Emperor, the Imperial Knights’ true legacy stretches back before the imperium and into humanity’s golden age. Each of these colossal robotic machines is piloted by a single human who comes from a different aristocratic family, who can often trace their lineage back thousands of years.

When humanity first stretched out into the galaxy and began to colonize millions of worlds, many found their new homes extremely hostile. To protect themselves, they used AI-based technology known as STCs, or Standard Template Constructs, to develop enormous machines capable of protecting the human settlers. Over time, these planets would come to revere these machines, as well as the pilots who controlled them. When the Emperor of Mankind reunited humanity and started his Great Crusade, many of these noble families were brought into the imperial fold, lending their strength against humanity’s enemies. In the modern setting, these ancient machines are maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus but are still piloted by the same noble families who march to war representing both the honor of their family and the might of the imperium.


Genestealer Cults

An Insidious Virus Spreading Through Populations

Genestealer Cults attacking imperial guard

  • Leader: Genestealer Patriarch

One of the most insidious dangers that threatens the safety of Imperium is from within. Genestealer Cults have become a common occurrence across the vast reaches of the galaxy. Worlds are suddenly going dark as cells become active and destroy populations. The Genestealer Cults are secretive societies of humans that have come to worship a xenos god. Controlled by a powerful breed of Genestealer known as a Patriarch, which can lie dormant for generations, the Cults slowly infect a population. It can take generations for a cult to be ready, with the cell growing and spreading year after year into every echelon of a planet’s society. Some members within the cults will eventually deform, becoming more like the xenos they worship, with new arms growing, and their heads becoming bulbous and alien. Although most appear like any other citizen.

Once the Genestealer Cult has grown to a large enough size, they will attack at once. When there are cultists in every part of society, a planet can fall overnight. Once they have successfully taken over a planet, the psykers within the Cult will send out a call to their xenos god. The tragedy of the Genestealer Cults is that the god they worship is the Tyranid Hivemind. The psychic call reaches out to a hive fleet, which descends onto the planet and proceeds to devour all organic life, human and cultist alike. Genestealer Cults have spread to every sector of the Imperium and are slowly weakening the foundations, ready for the great devourer to come.


Imperial Agents

The Secretive Few, Fighting Humanity’s Enemies

Warhammer 40K: The Strongest Factions According to Lore, Ranked The Deathwatch Space Marines at war

  • Faction Leader: The Emperor of Mankind

From the deadly killers of the Officio Assassinorum to the feared agents of the Inquisition, to famed Rogue Traders, forging new paths through the galaxy: the Imperial Agents often work from shadows but wield immense power. The Imperial agents are not one unified faction, but rather a collaboration between the many departments of the Imperium of Man. Imperial Assassins are some of the deadliest killers in the galaxy and can efficiently deal with any single threat, while the Rogue Traders carve new paths through the galaxy with unprecedented freedom.

Inquisitors are the front line of investigation, often working alone or with a small retinue. They seek to uncover treachery, heresy, or xenos plots against humanity. They answer to no one but the Emperor himself and can call down the vast strength of the Imperium if they see fit. These forces can include elements of the Astra Militarum, the planet’s local defense force, sisters of the Adepta Sororitas, and in extreme cases, the Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch chapter. This unique force is made up of the elite veterans from other Astartes chapters and serves the Ordo Xenos of the Inquisition. The Deathwatch is the last resort for Inquisitors, who only call upon them in their greatest need.



Sadistic Seekers of Pleasure and Pain

Warhammer 40K: The Strongest Factions According to Lore, Ranked The Drukhari raiding a planet

  • Faction Leader: Asdrubael Vect

The Aeldari race once ruled the galaxy. Their vast empire rose to such technological advances that nothing was out of their grasp. Morality and ethics would be forgotten as the Aeldari continued down its dark road of depravity. As this continued, some would oppose the excesses of their race and travel to the galaxy’s far reaches in continent size Craftworlds. Others, who sought the darkest forms of entertainment would travel into the Webway, where every sadistic dream could be fulfilled.

When the Aeldari fell, with the cataclysmic birth of Slaanesh, those living in the Webway would escape death, but be forever cursed by the Chaos God. They became the Drukhari and to save their souls from She who Thirsts, must continue to inflict pain and torture on innocent beings. The Drukhari are not interested in expansion or domination, their lives revolve around pain. From the dark city of Commorragh, bands of Drukhari raid with lightning speed. After each raid, their unlucky victims are taken back into the webway, where they will experience years of pain and torture at the hands of Dark Eldar. While this faction is the most sadistic of all the races and enjoys powerful ancient Aeldari technology, they are much smaller than most. The Drukhari are content to hide away in the webway, safe from the glare of Slaanesh, to continue their their monstrous lives of torture.


Adeptus Mechanicus

Worshipers Of Technology

Warhammer 40k Adeptus Mechanicus

  • Leader: Fabricator General

The Adeptus Mechanicus, or Cult Mechanicus, is a highly advanced civilization of humans on Mars that work symbiotically with the Imperium of Man yet are their own entity. Originally a colony from Terra, this faction evolved into a theological group that revered the Omnissiah — an obscure mechanical deity — with a penchant for maintaining and constructing machines. Although they worshipped a god, a practice deemed unacceptable by the Imperial Truth, the Emperor of Mankind accepted the Adeptus Mechanicus, granting them immunity so long as they equipped the Imperium of Man with the technology necessary for their galaxy-wide conquest. Few factions come close to the engineering prowess and intelligence of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Adeptus Mechanicus boasts access to one of the greatest armories in the galaxy, alongside powerful cybernetic enhancements that replace their weak flesh with technological wonders. So long as it is a tried and true invention that is not an innovation or abominable intelligence, it is at this faction’s disposal, granting them countless options and implements of war. With their superhuman smarts, the Adeptus Mechanicus can use these technologies to their fullest, making them dangerous opponents. But, while they are brilliant and with many devices of war, they are also independent, meaning their numbers and reach are comparatively small; moreover, they believe innovation to be heresy, preventing any advancement. Should the Adeptus Mechanicus bolster its numbers and innovate, little can challenge them, let alone stop them.


Adepta Sororitas

Holy Warriors Of The Emperor

Warhammer Strongest Factions in the lore: Morvahn Vahl in ornate armor shooting enemies

  • Leader: Abbess Morvenn Vahl

The Adepta Sororitas is a religious order of warrior nuns within the state church known as the Ecclesiarchy, and are some of the most devout and fiercest followers of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Both feared and respected by millions of the Imperium’s subjects, the Sisters of Battle are a frontline defense against heresy and rebellion. While the women of the Sororitas have no genetic augmentation and are all baseline humans, their immeasurable faith often manifests into minor miracles. Their prayers can heal wounds or miraculously avoid damage in battle altogether.

Unlike the standard Astra Militarum, the Adepta Sororitas goes to war in specialized power armor, giving them a higher level of protection over the common soldier. Their holy hymns are sung loudly as they storm their enemies, giving joy and hope to all who follow them. While they are some of humanity’s greatest warriors, they can also bring fear wherever they go, burning any they deem heretics. Over the millions of worlds that make up the Imperium of Man, it is often the Sororitas that are sent to put down the many uprisings that appear. The Sisters of Battle are some of the most elite warriors in the Imperium, and spread the faith of the Emperor wherever they go.



A Dying Race Fighting For Survival

Warhammer eldar using gun

  • Leader: Craftworld Farseers

The Aeldari were an exceptionally proud and powerful race believed to be created by the Old Ones. They were part of a once-great empire that spanned the galaxy and achieved all-manner of accomplishment, such as overcoming the seemingly unstoppable Necrons. However, due to a prolonged period of blissful peace, the Aeldari found no adversity or need to progress, which led them to a path of indulgence. Although innocent pursuits of joy initially, their lust for stimulation became demented and extreme. Their empire shattered into several groups when their continued decadence birthed the Chaos God Slaanesh and, consequently, the Eye of Terror. Those Eldar who saw the coming storm or eluded the cataclysms became the Eldar fans recognize today.

Although divided and a shadow of their former selves, the Aeldari remain highly mobile and mysterious to other factions, boasting expertise in manipulation, guerilla warfare, and developed psychic abilities. Using their webway gates, the Aeldari can move about quickly to accomplish their goals and execute decisive strikes against enemies. Even though much of their empire and its advances were lost, the Aeldari maintained many magical devices and perplexing abilities, giving them an edge in the ambiguity surrounding them. Even so, they are a shell of their former glory on the cusp of extinction, preventing them from winning battles of attrition and making every casualty much more devastating. Should the Aeldari, the Craftworld Aeldari specifically, find some way to outpace their losses and find footing in the galaxy, they can become an unstoppable threat.


Leagues Of Votann

A Secretive, Advanced, and Powerful Race

Leagues of Votann in Warhammer 40k

Residing deep within the resource-rich galactic core, the Leagues of Votann are a numerous collective confederation of abhuman clones who refer to themselves as The Kin. Often known as Squats by the larger Imperium of Man, The Leagues are a secretive race who are led by ancient self-aware machines known as Votann. Knowledge of the Votann is strictly guarded, as the existence of AI is heretical to the rest of humanity. The Kin themselves are often mistaken as a xenos race by some in the Imperium. The true origin of the Kin is lost in time, but there are references that claim the starfaring race settled in the core around the same time that humanity spread out into the galaxy. The Kin share their society with other self-aware machines, known as Ironkin. These AI are considered equals among the Leagues and bolster their armies in times of war.

During the current Indomitus era and the opening of the great rift, the Leagues have found themselves beset by more enemies than ever. Being led by hyper-intelligent AI machines allows the Leagues to wield highly advanced technology. The Kin are a tough and resilient people who have survived the dangers of the galactic core for thousands of years. They possess powerful weapons that can lay waste to any foe in the galaxy. They may not have the numbers of the Imperium, but any who anger the Kin will be facing one of the most formidable forces in the setting.


T’au Empire

Unified and Expanding For The Greater Good

Warhammer Tau Empire

  • Leader: Supreme Ethereal Aun’Va

The T’au Empire is a young civilization — having only been around for 6000 Terran years — experiencing growth far beyond many of the other sentient factions in the Warhammer 40K universe. Not long ago, the T’au mastered fire and the wheel, yet swiftly developed into a space-faring species with technology on par with, if not more advanced than, other civilizations. Such impossibly fast development has made the T’au Empire a threat to all others, a threat made far more severe with their plight for Tau’va or “The Greater Good.” This seemingly altruistic mission to do the greatest good for the greatest number of intelligent beings has propelled them on a campaign to dominate the universe and “invite” others to join their philosophy; all who refuse are dealt with harshly.

The Tau Empire’s strengths lie in their expertise with mid-to-ranged combat and highly adaptive technology, using pulse firearms and advanced battlesuits. Their strong beliefs and ability to “befriend” other races and members of the galaxy, a rare occurrence in Warhammer 40K, have allowed them to bolster their ranks with numerous able-bodies of various species. Organized and determined to spread their cause, the Tau and their respective allies have spread across the galaxy and have since been fighting tirelessly. However, their number is comparatively small, and they have yet to master faster-than-light travel, keeping them from effectively expanding while leaving them beset by their enemies. The T’au Empire shows promise, and should they be allowed to progress unhindered, they will undoubtedly surpass other factions.


Chaos Daemons

Hellspawn of the Warp

Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemons

Considered one of the greatest threats to the galaxy, created and sustained by the emotions and desires of all creatures, the Chaos Daemons and the Ruinous Powers that oversee them wreak havoc on countless worlds and minds through the powerful and corrupting influence of the Warp. Mighty, resilient, destructive, and seductive, the Chaos Daemons are a relentless and infinite force that has and continues to endanger all that lies beyond their reach. Following the commands of their respective Chaos God, the Chaos Daemons wage war mindlessly against the galaxy, and all who they cannot overcome are turned to their cause, making them an evergrowing and insurmountable threat. Even those who are most capable or those of the strongest will find themselves struggling against the sheer might and compelling lures of Chaos Daemons.

The greatest strength of Chaos Daemons is that they are infinite and various. A Chaos Daemon is purely psychic power drawn by the Ruinous Powers and given form, meaning that — so long as there is the Warp and the emotions and desires that fuel it — there will be Chaos Daemons. The forms Chaos Daemons can take are limitless, only restricted by the imaginations of the Chaos Gods, who have a twisted and dangerous sense of creativity. Yet the Forces of Chaos are prone to infighting as the Ruinous Powers seek to undermine one another. Each Chaos God — Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh — has its own end goal and beliefs that conflict with others, causing bitter hatred and hostility that diverts their attention from dominating the galaxy. Even so, if the Chaos Daemons and their overlords cooperate, as they have before, nothing will stop their conquest over all outside the Warp.


Adeptus Custodes

The Emperor’s Personal Bodyguards

Warhammer: Strongest factions in the lore: Custodes battling against orks

These golden armored warriors of legend are some of humanity’s greatest fighters, after only the Primarchs themselves. They represent the highest peaks of excellence, beyond even the famed Adeptus Astartes. The Custodes are the Emperor of Mankind’s bodyguards and have been since before the Great Crusade. They are both his fist and shield, and are ruled by none but the Emperor himself.

These genetically engineered superhumans are tasked with guarding both the imperial palace and the God-Emperor’s mortal body, forever encased within the golden throne. Over the ten thousand years since the Emperor fell, they have stood vigil, rarely venturing away from Terra. On the rare occasions when they have appeared off-world, their prowess in battle means humanity’s enemies are quickly put down. Since the opening of the Great Rift and the return of Roboute Guilliman, the Custodes have taken on a larger role in the ongoing Indomitus Crusade. This large-scale campaign is attempting to push back against Chaos and reunite much of the Imperium that was lost after the Cicatrix Maledictum split the galaxy in two. In this endeavor, the Custodes are some of humankind’s greatest weapons, standing resilient and determined against the might of ruinous powers.



Ancient, Immortal, and Cursed

Warhammer 40K Brutal Weapons - Aeonic Orb

  • Leader: Szarekh, The Silent King

A mysterious faction of robotic skeletal warriors once the xeno Necrontyr, the Necrons are a species that recouped from an unthinkable tragedy better than ever. Although tricked by the deceptive C’tan and forced into metal bodies, they have overcome the odds and shattered their deceivers into shards that now fuel their machinery, yet the losses they faced forced them to slumber for sixty million years. But recently, pockets of the almost undead Necrons began awakening sporadically from their Tomb Worlds to conquer the galaxy and restore their Empire to its former glory. Ruthless and unrelenting — death now a near impossibility — the Necrons have zero empathy and compassion, only a drive to take what was lost and lord over the galaxy.


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The Necrons stored powerful old technology before going into an inert state, maintaining the devices necessary to claim their place as rulers over the galaxy, devices that they now power with the remnants of their old and terrible masters, the C’Tan, powerful ancient beings that would consume entire stars for energy. United in their will, impervious to the effects of Chaos, disdained by Tyranids as they have no biomass, able to regenerate even lethal wounds, and unable to die with their Tomb World intact, the Necrons are unstoppable. Yet, keeping them from achieving their mission and coming out on top is the truth that many of their ranks are still dormant, and many of those awake have differences that prevent cooperation, if not cause infighting. The Necrons may be a little late to the party, but should they all wake up and unite, they would pose an unconquerable threat to any who would stand in their way.


Adeptus Astartes

Humanity’s Greatest Warriors

Warhammer 40k Imperium of Man

  • Leader: Roboute Guilliman

The poster boys for Warhammer 40k are undoubtedly the Adeptus Astartes, also known as the Space Marines. Often, the first faction hobbyists will collect, the Space Marines, are the power-armored superhumans that protect humanity from the daemons of the warp and the countless xenos threats. Created by the Emperor of Mankind to reunite humanity in the galactic-spanning Great Crusade, the Astartes are some of the most skilled and deadly warriors in the setting. Of the original 18 legions, created by the Emperor, only 9 remain loyal to the Imperium. After the devastating civil war, known as the Horus Heresy, turned brother and against brother and shook the Imperium to its core.


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After this catastrophic event, the legions of Astartes were split into smaller chapters, to prevent such a destructive rebellion from happening again. In the modern setting, there are countless chapters, often numbering around 1000 Space Marines, but sometimes many more. With the addition of the Primaris Space Marines to the setting, these warriors have grown in power and strength and are as formidable as ever. With only a few of these elite warriors, entire campaigns can be won. While the Astartes are humanity’s greatest warriors, they are not a unified force, and chapters can be wiped out entirely by larger forces.



A Never-Ending Green Tide of War-Hungry Brutes

Warhammer orks boyz attacking

  • Leader: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

Orks are the fallen-from-grace descendants of the Krorks, the smarter, more advanced, and larger species created by the Old Ones. None know whether the Orks are better or worse than their ancestors, especially considering how effective they are in combat, but what is certain is that they are dangerous. Barbaric, chaotic, and ever-hungry for conflict and battle, the Greenskins are perhaps the most bloodthirsty faction in the galaxy, seeing war as a stroll in the park or a stop by a shop, an everyday occurrence. They know little else, which makes them proficient killers that do not think much of their losses or victories, just how bloody a battle is and how strong they can get.


Warhammer 40k: 7 Reasons To Play Orks

The Warhammer 40k universe has many factions to choose from, but arguably the best among them are the various tribes of Orks.

Being good at killing things should be enough, but Orks also have partial immunity to Chaos, the ability to reproduce quickly through spores that emerge from dead Orks, a negligible maturity rate, and ever-growing strength and size when overcoming powerful threats. That should be enough, right? No. Orks also possess the unique ability to make impossible things true so long as enough of them believe it is, such as the common belief that purple is the color of stealth because no one has seen a purple Ork. So, what flaw do Orks have? Well. Like the Forces of Chaos, Orks suffer from much infighting, sating their bloodlust by turning against their own. Most WAAAGHS! (Ork Crusades) typically end with Orks attacking one another as the number of enemies dwindles. However, should the Orks ever unite as one, no other faction in the galaxy can hope to stand against the unstoppable green tide.


Astra Militarum

The Neverending Tide of Humanity

Warhammer 40K: The Strongest Factions According to Lore, Ranked The Imperial guard charging into war

  • Faction Leader: Lord Commander Militant

The Astra Militarum, also known as the Imperial Guard, is one of the largest fighting forces in the galaxy. Unlike many factions active in the 40k setting, they are not superpowered killing machines, but everyday soldiers fighting for the Imperium. While each soldier may pose little threat to the many monsters that inhabit the galaxy, the untold billions that make up the Guard are. These are not the highly trained elite soldiers of the Astartes or even the Sororitas, they are the everyday heroes who are thrown into the meat grinder that is the far future.

The Astra Militarum is the first line of defense for humanity and is an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction once turned towards an objective. Countless regiments make up the Guard, with soldiers from every corner of the galaxy, from a million different worlds. From the elite Jungle Fighters of Catachan to the fearless Death Korps of Kreig, or the iron-willed Vahallan Ice Warriors, each regiment has a unique personality and history. Few factions in the setting could withstand the never-ending onslaught of the Astra Militarum at full force. However, with the outbreak of war in every sector and the galaxy split in two, even the might of the Imperial Guard is stretched to breaking point.


Chaos Space Marines

The Treacherous Warriors Of The Ruinous Powers

Warhammer 40k Heretic Astartes

  • Leader: Abaddon The Despoiler

Chaos Space Marines, popularly known as Heretic Astartes, are former legions that served under the Imperium of Man yet allied themselves with the Ruinous Powers of Chaos following the Horus Heresy. Many of its members are from the original Nine Traitor Legions that sided with Primarch Horus against the Emperor of Mankind, giving themselves wholly to Chaos and now residing in the Eye of Terror. Some legions serve the Ruinous Powers indiscriminately while others devote themselves to a specific Chaos God, but regardless of their allegiance, all share the same desire for revenge against the Imperium of Man. Chaos can grant them this and something else they never had while serving the Emperor, free will to do what they want.


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Games Workshop has just announced a Horus Heresy tabletop game, and the civil war would make the perfect backdrop for a Warhammer 40,000 game.

The Chaos Space Marines are a heretical combination of humanity’s finest and Chaos Gods’ worst, unifying the martial prowess of Space Marines with the volatile influence of the Warp. This meeting of two dominant forces into one faction makes the Chaos Space Marines incomprehensibly dangerous, especially when noting that many of their ranks lived through the Horus Heresy, experiencing one of the deadliest conflicts in history and living to seek revenge. Yet, even with their superhuman nature, control over Chaos, and insatiable desire to take vengeance against the Imperium of Man, the Chaos Space Marines cannot overcome any other faction, as they are too preoccupied with fighting each other over old wounds or differences in their allegiances. But, as history has shown, should and when Chaos Space Marines unite, they are capable of galaxy-wide destruction.



Slowly Devouring the Galaxy, Planet by Planet

Warhammer 40k Tyranid Tyrant Cropped

  • Leader: The Great Devourer, Tyranid Hivemind

The Tyranid Hivemind is perhaps the most terrifying faction in the galaxy, which is saying much, considering the presence of daemons and undead robots. Brutal, efficient, intelligent, and ever-evolving, Tyranids are perhaps the most “perfect” organisms. Tyranids have only one purpose, to infiltrate galaxies and harness the biomass of whatever living things reside within them — as they presumably have done so to others. The only surefire way to stop Tyranids from infesting and devouring a planet is to nuke it, which poses a problem now that Tyranids have surrounded the galaxy, making this option impractical and ineffective when cornered from every edge of the Milky Way.

Tyranids, whose numbers vastly outnumber everything in the galaxy, do not need sleep, do not tire, and evolve their tactics and forms against enemies to get the upper hand. They can infest other species as Genestealers, hiding in plain sight to infiltrate and use their psychic abilities to alert the larger hive fleets to invade. Tyranids have the numbers, sustainability, adaptability, and leverage over the other factions to wipe all life from the Milky Way. However, their most overwhelming advantage is the entity that controls them, that is them, the Hive Mind. This incomprehensible organism, equal to, if not greater, than the Chaos Gods in strength, has complete control over the Tyranids. To fight innumerable battles against dramatically different foes all at once and win demands a remarkable, unfathomable intelligence and ability that no other thing in the galaxy has exhibited. Unless the other factions unite against the Tyranids, they will not last, being reduced from beings of impossible abilities and fantastical exploits to bug food.

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